Creating a Circular Campus: Enhancing Politecnico's Sustainability with Erwan Mouazan

Our service design students continue their journey with Erwan Mouazan, PhD. With the new module “Sustainable Design”. The students bring with them the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous module on “Circular Economy.” Equipped with an understanding of circularity, they are now ready to delve deeper into addressing sustainability challenges and leveraging circular economy principles in their design practice.

Under Erwan’s guidance, our MSD students are currently immersed in a dynamic circular sprint focused on co-creating a circular campus at Politecnico. With the goal of enhancing sustainability, the students are actively working on various challenges related to sustainable food systems, circular asset management, reusable packaging, and building a circular community. Through their innovative ideas and collaborative efforts, they aim to transform Politecnico into a model of sustainability, fostering a circular mindset throughout the campus community and inspiring positive change.

As the students embark on this transformative Pill, we eagerly anticipate their growth as agents of change in shaping a more sustainable future through their design practice. 
